D. ananassae fosmid 2594O08 - Kelly Hutchins


This shows the Blastx sequence against the sequence of D. melanogaster. There is one gene hit that is very significant, olf413.


Genscan Protein. From the text file provided from Genscan predicted two genes. Taking amino acid sequence from first gene of the two predicted by Genscan, I did a Blastp search against the amino acid sequence of the olf413 that Blastx provided was present. This picture verifies Genscan's prediction. Also this was against D. melanogaster.


Genscan second protein. This is the second amino acid sequence from the Genscan file blastp against D. melanogaster. Got a hit but was very insignificant E value of 9.3. So then I excluded D. melanogaster and searched this predicted gene against any known gene.


This is the Genome Browser of the sequence 2594O08. Shows the Gene-scan prediction along with other engines that predict genes. Along with the rates of conservation and transcript rate. We can see they vary when introns are present for transcript rate and un-coding regions for the rate of conservation. Also see high conservation in intron regions which is very interesting.